Current AHA guidelines call for healthy Americans to bring LDL below 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood, while those who’ve had a heart attack or stroke are encouraged to drop LDL at least ...
Wider use of cholesterol ... drugs could save 10,000 lives each year in the UK, researchers said today. A major British study showed that far more people could benefit from the drugs, called ...
Most statin drugs are FDA-approved for children and teens under age 18, but only if they have a genetic condition that cause extremely high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Yet in 2009 ...
NICE has set a new target for cholesterol levels in ... guidance to encourage the use of statins, lowering the threshold for prescribing these drugs to a patient to below the previous 10% or ...
Statins are the most widely prescribed, cholesterol-lowering drugs in the world. Despite the expiration of their patents, revenue for statins is expected to rise, with total sales on track to reach an ...
In the Consumer Use Study of OTC Mevacor [6] survey of outcomes among 3,316 consumers in a simulated OTC setting, individuals with LDL cholesterol ... Statin therapy in combination with certain ...
Without robust evidence of benefits of primary prevention statin use in women with elevated cholesterol ... about the US FDA-based system regulating drug approval and advertising.