Animals played a wide-ranging role in the life of the ancient Greeks, which initially started for their practical use and gradually went far beyond that. Unlike modern societies, in Ancient Greece, ...
A 2015 report published by a private genomics testing company found that 2% of 345 hot dogs tested contained traces of human DNA. However, it was unclear whether that report was a peer-reviewed ...
This water jar from around 500BC shows a 'fountain-house'. Women came here to fill jars with water to carry home on their heads. Ancient Greek homes were built around a courtyard or garden.
Three different designs of ancient Greek columns. The Greeks believed that the secret to making a great building was maths. They carefully designed and measured their buildings, making sure they ...
However, the sweet bougatsa remained at the homes it was made. The Greek delicacy was still homemade not available in markets or eateries. As years passed it slowly started coming out of the good ...
A Moncton, N.B., woman says her four-year-old daughter was bitten by a dog in the owner’s home in late June, and it’s prompted her to call for stronger legislation dealing with dangerous dogs.
An old Greek says, “Ouzo makes the spirit”, and in true Greek fashion, it’s best enjoyed with food, music, and lively conversation. A glass of Ouzo is the perfect companion to all these, effortlessly ...
A police dog that showed signs of “work avoidance” has been retired at just two years old. Lissy, a Lancashire Constabulary labrador, developed a fear of “slippery floors” that left the dog unable to ...