Others mentioned selling on eBay and other online ... local comic book shops faced, have broken down the events until now, and taken a look at how the pandemic directly impacted retailers, our ...
Bleeding Cool has been covering plenty of comic book retailer and distributor disruption in recent weeks, after Diamond closed their Plattsburgh distributor early. And it's not just Diamond ...
he says Diamond “had a lot of really great programs for new comic book stores.” He explains, “I utilized those programs a couple of times when we expanded — they gave us special deals and ...
“That was a lot of fun, and I’m surprised that we pulled it off,” Kirkman told CartoonistKayfabe. “Years of interviews, where people would be like, ‘When’s The Walking Dead going to end?
the ComicHub POS system used in many comic book retail stores, plus estimates for book fairs, crowdfunding and newsstand. Since the fragmentation of the comics distribution system in 2020 and 2021 ...