Sukhu also said the capacity of the milk processing plant in Duttnagar, Shimla district, has been increased from 20,000 litres to 70,000 litres per day at a cost of ₹25.67 crore.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on artificial intelligence Thursday that will revoke past government policies his order says “act as barriers to American AI innovation." To maintain ...
Turley, who has stunned his parents with his ability to fly planes, impressed peers with his skills behind the piano and wowed Beavers fans with his powerful swing, pulled off another head-turner this ...
President Donald Trump has pledged cheaper prices and lower interest rates, but an economy transformed by the pandemic will make those promises difficult to keep.
Hours after returning to the White House, President Donald Trump made a symbolic mark on the future of artificial intelligence by repealing former President Joe Biden’s guardrails for the ...