Actor Ajith Kumar has said that he will not be signing any films until the racing season is on and that he would be doing a film between October and March, before the racing season commences.
An animated film about a snail does seem like an odd choice as one of the greatest racing films, but Turbo is one of those well-written feel-good films that just hits the right audience.
On the sidelines of 24H Dubai 2025, actor Ajith Kumar revealed his plans for scaling back on films and concentrating on racing. Ajith Kumar is serious about pursuing his passion for racing ...
Racing is so much more fun when you have your own racing cockpit. Check out the best sim racing cockpits here -- chosen by CNET experts. Antuan Goodwin started out in the automotive industry the ...
Actor Ajith Kumar has revealed that he will not commit to any films while the racing season is underway. However, he plans to take on film projects between October and March, once the racing season ...