While necessary, the two essential components of reading comprehension—decoding and language comprehension—are not sufficient ...
The program is called "Coaching a Better Reader Family," and Caves encourages all families to participate. She boasts that ...
Trine University’s literacy workshops, supported by a $750,000 Lilly Endowment Inc. grant, are an essential piece in ...
In its Year one report, the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EdCom II) highlighted issues on the old and new K-12 curriculum, including its congestion and unclear competency support for ...
The science of reading is now the law of the land in Ohio, but its implementation is still in the early stages in some areas.
Each summer, the Scripps Howard Fund, the Scripps family, and our News 5 staff and viewers donate money during our "If You ...
Inference is when you read between the lines and look for clues in a story.
The United States faces a nationwide crisis in which our young people are reading at alarmingly low rates, with just 1 in 3 ...
Hicken named to dean’s list Thomas Hicken, of Morgan Hill, earned a spot on the Utah Tech University dean’s list for the fall ...
Interim Superintendent Karen Molinar answered questions from residents about how she plans to tackle challenges facing Fort Worth ISD.