Dimple Kapadia attended the screening of Akshay Kumar's Sky Force with her granddaughter Naomika. The veteran actor wore a simple green look to the event.
Recently, a member* of Reddit posed the question, "What’s the one random genetic trait you lucked out on?" to the good folks of r/AskReddit. Here are their top-voted wild, funny, and, frankly, envious ...
to instantly reveal Need to know Suitable to use on oven door; comes with disposable gloves and bag to put racks in to soak; don't use on oven door seals, trims, pilot light or heating and fan ...
Do blue light glasses actually work? Though they claim to reduce eyestrain and headaches and help you sleep better, no robust research confirms that blue light-blocking glasses support your eye ...
Looking for the best camera glasses? There aren't a lot on the market right now. Google killed off Google Glass, and most people can't buy Snapchat's latest camera glasses either: they're currently ...
Several visits were required to obtain both eyeglasses and contacts. I had laser surgery several times about 15 years ago and was not told by the doctor that performed this procedure that this ...