Pain in the right shoulder and arm can occur due to injury, wear and tear, and other health conditions. You may experience other symptoms with certain causes. Shoulder pain is very common.
Left arm pain can come on suddenly or be felt for a long time. Anytime someone has left arm pain and is experiencing other heart attack symptoms, they should call 911. The pain may also be from an ...
Armpit pain can be caused by many issues, from muscle strains to swollen lymph nodes. Here are possible causes of underarm ...
Experiencing hip pain with radiating pain down the leg is a common musculoskeletal presentation that can significantly impact quality of life. At INSIDE our clinic we deal with this presentation ...
Arthritis is damage to the cartilage in joints. Shoulder arthritis occurs when the cartilage starts wearing down on the ball and/or socket sides of the shoulder joint. Symptoms of shoulder arthritis ...
Armpit pain is a common complaint that can have many causes, from mild muscle injuries to swollen lymph nodes and severe skin infections. In most cases, armpit pain isn't a reason to worry, but it ...
Introduction: Shoulder pain and disability ipsilateral to the implant site is a common complication of cardiac rhythm device implantation, yet very little has been published about this morbidity.