Bipasha Basu took to her Instagram handle and posted a video from her birthday celebration in Maldives with husband, Karan Singh Grover and daughter Devi.
Previously, I touched on the worst Christmas songs ever written, so why not try my hand at the best? The earworms, the nostalgia bringers, the tear jerkers, this list has them all, and then some!
Once the first intensity fades, your feelings wither without taking root. You can also develop romantic love without experiencing euphoric, heart-pounding excitement. Someone who falls for their ...
It was a romantic fiesta ... all take together during the ceremony. The wedding party then walked down the aisle to their own "walk-out" song, similar to what's done in the MLB.
The starlets you meme about on social media aren’t necessarily making the songs you hear 20 times on the radio on your commute, or in the coffee shop picking up breakfast, or out at the pool’s ...
Big! The proposal—in the sort of Upper East Side penthouse that dreams are made of, with an even dreamier shoe closet—is pretty romantic, and initially, the wedding is set to be just as sweet ...