Kort was in high school during the pandemic, so he was able to turn out cows and participate in brandings, which was a major factor in his decision to return to the ranch. He graduated from the ...
The region's shinnery oaks are only four or five feet high, but they provide food, shade and a breeding ground for the small, brown dunes sagebrush lizard — otherwise known as the sand dune lizard.
and matching amounts of $87,900 in ranch and climate resilience in Valley, Garfield, Rosebud, Carter and Treasure counties and sagebrush conservation in Phillips, Valley and Blaine counties.
The sage grouse lek in south-central Wyoming had effectively died, though the older males remained undeterred. Females had long since stopped appearing. They likely decided the new compressor ...
A sage grouse and a free-roaming horse are seen in the Adobe Town wild horse herd management area of south-central Wyoming. Newly published research shows that, when wild horse populations are ...
A sage grouse and a free-roaming horse are seen in the Adobe Town wild horse herd management area of south-central Wyoming. Newly published research shows that, when wild horse populations are allowed ...
Whether he realized it or not, Trump’s ”freedom cities” put a new face on an old pet cause of Western conservatives and Sagebrush Rebellion sympathizers. For years, these anti-government ...