"Gold Shaw Farm is a dream in the making, nestled in Peacham, VT. Founded in 2016 by Morgan and Allison Gold, this 158-acre farm-in-progress is on a mission to become a thriving, regenerative ...
One of our favorite ways to do this is with sheet pan baking; toss all of the ingredients on a baking pan and pop into the oven. Dinner comes out perfectly cooked, with only one dish used to prepare ...
Sheet pan meals are a great way to quickly get dinner on the table and make for an easy cleanup, but they can also be magical in the flavor department. In this case, the juices from the sausage ...
In a large bowl, combine 3 tablespoons of olive oil, smoked paprika, and onion granules. Add tofu chunks and stir gently to coat evenly in marinade. On one side of a sheet pan, evenly spread tofu then ...
Since sheet pan roasting means everything cooks for the same amount of time, for this recipe, I stuck to things that are also cosmic when crispy: Mushrooms and sausage. For the mushrooms, look for ...
Hong’s recipe is for a vegetarian Yachae Bibimbap (Roasted ... stove — the stuff (a medley of vegetables) roasts on a sheet pan in the oven. As all that is happening, you stir together a ...