She recommends making self-care part of one’s routine and intentionally protecting time for self-care activities. This can look like putting time in the calendar for self-care or setting standing ...
in that I wasn’t actually ‘self caring’, I was just undertaking self care activities. “It wasn’t until I went to The Maytree (the UK’s only suicide sanctuary) that I had a lightbulb ...
Treat your household to a homemade spa day or simply have some relaxing me time with these scientific DIY self-care activities. Please make sure you always test these mixes on a very small skin ...
Self-care isn’t a luxury - it is the essential ... That includes a variety of daily activities, like paying attention to what we eat, taking time to exercise and to relax, and maintaining ...
“Defining and setting goals for how you can practice self-care is the first step to actioning them. Next, it’s important to actually make time for these activities, and write them on your to ...