As a caregiver of an ill or aging parent, you spend every waking moment making sure their physical and emotional needs a ...
Every person who lives with dementia is different, so Lawrence said caregivers can customize what is best for them.
When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, I was shell-shocked. My routines were upended at the same time I became his caregiver. I reached out to family and other caregivers for support.
It took time to adapt to being a caregiver Because Barry's treatment plan involved no radiation and only one chemo infusion every three weeks, we joked that he was experiencing 'cancer lite.' ...
Join us to learn about taking care of yourself with self-care strategies and techniques to reduce stress. Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a national program with class leaders across the nation.
Caregivers will benefit from the workshop whether they are helping a parent, spouse, or friend living at home, in long-term care or across the country. The workshop focuses on self-care for the ...
You can apply the "use it or lose it" principle to the mental and physical skills required for self-care tasks. If a caregiver takes over everything for you—while well-meaning—you may end up losing ...
Caregivers will benefit from the workshop whether they are helping a parent, spouse, or friend living at home, in long-term care or across the country. The workshop focuses on self-care for the ...
Listen and subscribe to Decoding Retirement on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. Across the US, family members caring for loved ones provide an estimated $600 ...