Based on the videogame series, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 sees Sonic (Ben Schwartz), the superpowered hedgehog and his friends, Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey) the fox and Knuckles (Idris Elba ...
Sonic's movie career started as a nightmare but quickly turned around when the team behind the original live-action movie changed his look. It's now morphed into three entire films and following ...
We may earn a commission from links on this page. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is heavily based on the events of the 2001 Dreamcast game Sonic Adventure 2. The live-action movie doesn’t recreate the ...
After Sebastian Stan Revealed He’d Been Shunned By His Fellow Actors For Starring In A Movie That Portrayed Donald Trump In A Negative Light, He Has Opened Up About The “Disappointing ...
A flashback about Shadow interrupts the story in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3. However, the flashback gives the movie a heartwarming twist. Also, the twist plays a major role in the movie’s spectacular, ...
He served as a major antagonist in the 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog OVA, where his "Hyper" form was constructed by Doctor Robotnik as a way to conquer Planet Freedom. True to the games, Metal Sonic ...