"Sonic The Hedgehog 3"—starring James Marsden, Jim Carrey and the voices of Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba and Ben Schwartz—appears ...
With all the game series, comics, TV shows, and movies, it can be pretty difficult to establish a timeline for Sonic The ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 features a cameo from a classic Sonic foe, Metal Sonic, who has menaced the Blue Blur in the past.
This article contains spoilers for the Sonic the Hedgehog film & game franchise. Ever since Paramount's animated take Sonic debuted on our screens — not that Sonic — fans of the super speedy ...
Princess Elise is an infamous and unpopular character, unlikely to feature in future Sonic movie projects. Marine the Raccoon is too niche and tied to DS titles, not a priority for a movie adaptation.
It would make sense to flesh out more of Sonic’s movie world with anthropomorphic animals instead of more human characters. Chaos is an otherworldly power that serves no good or evil master ...