The Sonic franchise is thriving, leading to demands for a fourth movie installment. A potential crossover with Mario could ...
With a heavier emphasis on exploration than we’ve had in a long way, it feels like something of a successor to the Sonic Adventure games. Run and platform your way through Dr. Eggman’s dreams to stop ...
was asked by Variety about whether or not he wanted to do a Sonic and Mario at the Olympics type of thing now, but Schwartz is here to go even bigger; he was Super Smash Bros. "There's two things ...
Navigating loss, grief and revenge, speed racer Sonic and friends learn that saving the world requires slowing down long ...
Schwartz, who voices the titular character in recent "Sonic the Hedgehog" films, said it'd be "bananas" if a certain game ...
From lens focal lengths and fill-flash to portraits, macro or stunning landscapes there are techniques for everyone. Learn how to use metering, considering composition and shoot everything from ...
There isn’t a Sonic rhythm game. Even though the hedgehog has run into many genres, it’s more baffling when you think about this TV show.