The Sonic franchise is thriving, leading to demands for a fourth movie installment. A potential crossover with Mario could bring excitement and freshness to both franchises. Despite the dream of a ...
Kero Quest 64 plays a lot like Super Mario 64. The main character shares pretty much Mario's entire moveset, right down to the fine details of the long jump you get from crouching and leaping, or the ...
Ever since the speedy blue hedgehog made his debut in the 1990s, Sonic games have been a videogame staple, and thankfully, plenty of his adventures are available on the vast majority of platforms. I’m ...
If you want a single platform to play games at home and on the go, the Nintendo Switch has got your back. Even better if you're a fan of Sonic: Ever since the Switch arrived in 2017, Sega has ...
We may earn a commission from links on this page. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 raced into theaters late December and has already earned more than $380 million worldwide. That’s impressive enough!