The film has now crossed Rs. 750 crores mark at the box office. It has managed to do that in just 24 days, which goes on to show the kind of quick strides that it has taken in such less time.
Including early trends of day 23, the Hindi-dubbed version of Pushpa 2 now stands at 747.75-748.25 crore net at the Indian box office. Tomorrow, it’ll cross 750 crores, thus becoming the first ...
Scroll below for a detailed box office analysis. As per Sacnilk, Max has earned 8.50 crores on its opening day. It was predicted to open in the range of 7-9 crores and well, Kichcha Sudeep starrer ...
We can expect up to 55 bhp of peak power and 60 Nm of peak torque from Royal Enfield Continental GT 750’s new big-bore engine Ever since the Continental GT 535 was launched, Royal Enfield ...
Besides, the World Boxing, a breakaway international federation is optimistic to attain recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). "The decision of so many national federations to ...
28, 2024, as they confront 15-year-old boy Jazmir Tucker in Akron, Ohio. (Akron Police Department via AP) COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — People seeking copies of police and jail videos in Ohio may have to pay ...
Agencies could charge up to $75 per hour of video. The total cost cannot exceed $750. Daniels said he's heard complaints before about users with YouTube accounts requesting large amounts of video ...
TBILISI, Dec 19 (Reuters) - A lawmaker in Abkhazia, a breakaway Georgian region supported by Russia, was shot dead at the parliament building, the press service of the region's presidency said.
A politician has been shot dead and another wounded in a shooting inside the parliament of the Russia-backed breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia. Abkhazia’s state news agency Apsnypress cited ...
A lawmaker in Abkhazia, a breakaway Georgian region supported by Russia, was shot dead at the parliament building, the press service of the region’s presidency said. Lawmaker Vakhtang Golandzia ...
Guests Will Have More to Do and More to Enjoy with the World's First-Ever Immersive Cinema and Dining Offering at Sea, 'Silver Screen Bistro,' to Premiere Exclusively Aboard Norwegian Breakaway ...
The Norwegian Bliss and Norwegian Breakaway are set to undergo drydock updates to offer new and expanded experiences, including a new cinema, dining venue and outdoor recreational area, according to a ...