Marvel Animation released the first trailer for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man earlier today (you can ... showcasing Peter Parker's homemade costume, a Peter Parker design inspired by ...
Here are seven movies from the era of black leather action. Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman may have marked the first unapologetic comic-book movie foray into the black leather catsuit.
Fox’s X-Men films helped save Marvel. The company was bankrupt when it sold the film rights to the X-Men, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, and other properties, and the success of 2000’s ...
Disney has dropped a new trailer for a new Spider-Man series, the animated show Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. It’s out next month and follows the adventures of a young Spider-Man, who is just ...
Superheroes, especially in films like Spider-Man: No Way Home, are larger-than-life, and sometimes a little help in the costume department is needed to make sure those suits look just right. While CGI ...