I'm building a guitar by taking the parts from another guitar. I combined the electronics and hardware of a Fender Telecaster with the shape of a Jazzmaster. I know these already exist, but I still ...
When it comes to rock songs, it seems like we're always waiting for the big, mind-blowing guitar solo. Sometimes it never comes. But sometimes it's the thing that parts the clouds, opens your heart ...
Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal is a renowned guitar virtuoso who has steadily been releasing solo records since 1995, while also enjoying high-profile tenures in Guns N' Roses (2006-2014), Asia (2019-2022) as ...
The Oscar nominations are out! Gino Salomone joins FOX6 WakeUp with a look at the nominees as well as the snubs and surprises. The country singer's son wrote a heartfelt open letter on Instagram after ...
Ever wondered what home improvements Kurt Cobain and Chris Cornell might undertake if the two deceased rock legends were to wind up sharing an apartment in the afterlife? Or, more specifically, have ...