Batman: The Animated Series is a show that truly broke new ground. It was one of the first animated series to be given a coveted prime time slot on TV. It won awards and gained recognition within ...
Just as the title of the film suggests, The Batman vs. Dracula 's main plot pits the bloodsucking legend against Gotham's nocturnal playboy billionaire, delivering the kind of supernatural Batman ...
The Joker is Batman's number-one archenemy and has appeared alongside Gotham's hero in numerous live-action and animated ...
When it comes to animated series, HBO Max has both created and gotten the streaming rights to some of the best works of animation ever put to screen. With a plethora of titles to choose from ...
With the passing of Black Christmas star, Olivia Hussey, many are paying tribute to her films, but only now are they learning ...
This set is inspired by Batman: The Animated Series, which aired on the FOX Kids cartoon block from 1992-1995. It's a 3D Art Deco relief portrait of the Gotham City skyline, complete with its ...