It should also be lots of fun, using theatre games and creativity led by Cree Noble, our drama therapy ... group. They can also be specific to a particular population or community, such as teens ...
Teenagers experience a variety of emotional and psychological changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood. While ...
SparkRx is designed to decrease depression in individuals aged 13 to 22 by providing a multi-week programme based on cognitive behavioural therapy ... Activities sourced from teens within SparkRx ...
From creating a space of support and understanding to considering therapy, here are six ways to overcome screen addiction in ...
The group in Peterborough have been working their way to achieving a Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award. The awards aim to help ...
A third of Vermont high schoolers described recently struggling with mental health when they answered the state’s latest ...
Teen Suicide Prevention Week promotes the importance of open discussion about mental health, and looks at how to work ...
Children/Youth therapy is a specialized form of therapy aimed at addressing the emotional, behavioral, and psychological ...
Self-harm is a complex and often misunderstood issue, serving as a coping mechanism for those experiencing intense emotional ...
Families are among those marching on March 7 to defend diversity, restore federal funding and end political interference in science.
Maurice Benaim had stopped his car at the intersection of San Vicente Boulevard and Carillo Drive near Central LA when a group of “20-30” teens took ... for Benaim’s therapy and ...