DCs animated movies and TV shows have explored Batman and other Justice League heroes extensively in the past decades. The many DC animated universes and continuities have arguably delivered ...
As a result, most fans expect these movies to be quietly scrapped. Now, though, it appears there either are - or were - plans for an animated trilogy based on Batman: Knightfall. He's been a ...
Batman: Knightfall to reportedly start a new animated DC trilogy The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and making a trilogy.
A new animated DC Elseworlds movie reimagining ... Outside of the aforementioned upcoming Batman movies that do not exist in the DCU, the timeline’s new, official iteration will have its own ...
They weren’t unexpected pieces news, but still, the final days of December 2024 were rough for Batman fans. First came the development that the Matt Reeves-directed The Batman: Part II was postponed a ...