On Wednesday morning, Meghan Markle kicked off the new year by returning to Instagram after a nearly five-year hiatus from the social media platform. Using her new account, @meghan, the Duchess of ...
Investigators say they’ve uncovered ISIS-related videos posted online just hours before a Houston-based Army veteran drove into a crowd of people early Wednesday in New Orleans, and then opened ...
On Friday, Present Elect Trump filed an amicus brief supporting neither party in TikTok v. Garland. The brief was submitted by John Sauer, who will be the nominee for Solicitor General.
A dash of vigorous activity a day could keep the heart troubles away. Women who included short bursts of intense physical activity in their daily routines saw their risk of major cardiovascular ...
Relationships come and go, but the memories of Hollywood romances live on. One recollection we’re certainly not going to lose in 10 days is how Kate Hudson once dated Dax Shepard. In fact ...