Earlier this year, New York became the first state approved to receive a portion of those funds from the Inflation Reduction ...
The U.S. Army plans to install protective technology in homes to be built next to Fort Detrick’s Area B after determining there are significant potential health risks due to groundwater contamination ...
A Class II vapor retarder should be placed over a wood subfloor and below the wood flooring when being installed over an unconditioned space. Do not use asphalt- or bitumen-type vapor retarders ...
Proper attic insulation is a game-changer for regulating home temperature and reducing energy bills. When soffit venting ...
Most slabs of extended age are not directly underlaid with an effective sub-slab moisture vapor retarder, which is likely the most important component of ASTM F710. ASTM E1745, “Standard ...
USA Spray Me (855- 566-5340) has released a guide on insulation options that align with San Francisco building codes.
The Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road, closed starting Dec. 22 for ongoing renovations, and will tentatively reopen in ...
Maintaining your home: Necessary home maintenance can save your thousands in the long run. From gutter cleaning and preparing ...
Putting a standing seam sheet metal roof or synthetic slate on the roof of the Hadley Public Library, or making significant ...