Elon Musk-owned X also launched a dedicated feed for vertical videos in the U.S., and Meta announced a new video editing app called Edits to rival CapCut. Ivan covers global consumer tech ...
The midcentury modern home that was the personal residence of California housing legend Joseph Eichler for more than a decade has been on the market for less than a week, and it’s already ...
If a rustic abode isn’t your style, there are plenty of modern Minecraft house designs to choose from. Materials needed are a little harder to come by. They include stone, slabs, and clay to ...
“We had to get in on the video action too — Bluesky now has custom feeds for video! Like any other feed, you can choose to pin these or not. Bluesky is yours to customize,” the company’s post read.
What are the latest short gown styles for real fashionistas? Women and fashion have been inseparable since the old times. A lady who dresses well is regarded highly by those around her. In recent ...