Dementia, a degenerative disorder affecting memory, thinking, and behavior, influences millions of individuals worldwide. While there isn’t any recognized cure for dementia, techniques are in ...
As we get older, a drop in our cognitive skills, leading to memory loss and other mental challenges, is not uncommon. Luckily, there are supplements designed to enhance memory available that can ...
So many aspects of the world are designed to take your short-term focus—10 second videos, summarized news reports, 150-character social media posts. The more we interact with this type of ...
From Care and cure magazine - Spring 2016, find out about vitamin B supplements. New research suggests that vitamin B supplements could help to improve learning and memory for some older people who ...
patients who are at a high risk for developing Alzheimer's disease would benefit from taking a combination of vitamins E and C plus ibuprofen. A new study has suggested that patients who are at a ...