在当今这个飞速发展的数字时代,随着视频分辨率的不断提升和游戏画面的日益精细,用户对于存储空间的需求与日俱增,同时对于数据传输速度的要求也越来越高。在 ...
为了满足硬核玩家与内容创作者们对大容量的追求,WD_BLACK于不久前带来了其PCIe 4 SSD旗舰的大容量升级版——WD_BLACK SN850X NVMe SSD 8TB。本次我们就一起来看看容量翻倍后的实际表现如何,在性能方面又是否能够保持旗舰级PCIe 4.0 SSD的水准。
在2024年里,SSD市场有两大趋势,一是PCIe 5.0 SSD开始涌现,二是DRAM-LESS的PCIe 4.0 SSD性能突飞猛进,出现了顺序读取超越7000 MB/s的产品。近日我们就收到了WD_BLACK SN7100 NVMe ...
在科技媒体眼中,一款出色的固态硬盘不仅需要具备卓越的性能,还需要在实际应用中为用户带来实实在在的便利和享受。WD_BLACK SN7100 NVMe ...
Not only from your stereotypical hardware review perspective, but also from a use-case angle as well. Simply put, who is this for? How can you justify 8 TB of storage in the modern era of wildly rapid ...
In recent times, one of the better value SSD options in terms of price to performance has been the WD SN770, available with both sensible capacities and solid speeds in one decent package.
时间匆匆流过,转眼又到了2024年年末。在这一年间,IT行业各领域持续推出众多新品,其中不乏对行业发展带来深刻影响,体现技术、设计革新的产品。在年终之时,《微型计算机》2024年度硬件盘点如期启动。作为一年一度的重磅科技产品颁奖盛典,我们将与大家一起 ...
You can purchase the heatsink-equipped Crucial P310 SSD at $105 for the 1TB model and $160 for the 2TB version. Crucial ...
With Amazon's "Deals of the Day," you can also score the Asus ROG Keris II Ace gaming mouse for 21% off and the Amazon Fire ...
Students, teachers, and young people can also save with SanDisk's education pricing, which takes up to 15% off orders. Over 55s can also benefit from a 15% discount. By submitting your information you ...
WD specifically angles SN5000 as its budget proposition for AI workloads and switching tasks, making it a dab hand at anything you throw at it. A 600TBW (terabytes written) endurance means it’ll last ...