国庆黄金周即将来临,必胜客联动知名珠宝品牌周大生推出“超级黄金周”福利活动,购买超级至尊披萨系列或指定套餐,即 ...
近日,小林家披萨在山东迎来多店开业,新店开业期间,线下门店人头攒动,慕名而来的顾客纷纷涌入门店打卡品尝美食,点 ...
【导语】:10月8日-12日,堂食、自助点餐(扫码点餐+预点餐+外带自取)及必胜客宅急送官方网络订餐渠道可参与69元2个披萨活动。 温馨 ...
“We really wanted to look for frozen pizzas that tasted as close to pizza parlor pizza and focused on the main simple elements: the crust, the cheese, and the tomato sauce,” said Consumer ...
在意大利那不勒斯发现了一种简单却令人难忘的美食——玛格丽特披萨,它不仅是意大利的骄傲,更是全球披萨爱好者心中的圣地。 意大利,一个 ...
总统法国进口总统三明治专用切达芝士片是一款200克的优质奶酪制品。它来自法国,具有浓郁味道和丰富口感。适合做三明治 ...
We even threw in a pre-made frozen pizza here or there because sometimes convenience is key. If you’ve been less than impressed by the pies from your local pizzeria and are ready to take your ...
披萨爱好者们一定要试试今天这个饼底配方,用燕麦片加上它,无需揉面、无需醒面,筷子搅一搅,简单又快手,几分钟就能搞定;再配上自己喜欢 ...
Do it Best is a member-owned wholesaler that sells hardware, lumber and other home goods to independent stores. “Do it Best has a proven track record of driving profitability through the most ...
Never-before-seen footage of President John F. Kennedy’s motorcade speeding towards a Dallas hospital after being shot has been sold at auction. RR Auction, of Boston, offered the lot which sold ...