Most people interested in astrology are aware of their zodiac signs, but astrology is more than just zodiac signs. It comprises many important factors such as Moon signs, houses, rising signs, and ...
Bharani is classified as Madhyaksha Nakshatra. It is very difficult to get back the lost articles for the nakshatras under Madhyaksha Nakshatra. Use the form below to choose the Date for which you ...
You may gain clarity about the distractions that hinder your progress. This insight presents an opportunity to implement structures that promote emotional stability and productivity. By ...
You might have a change of heart today and feel like bailing on social plans at the eleventh hour. Chalk it up to a meeting between your ruler, the moon, and impromptu Uranus in your collective ...
Your dreams may take on a vivid, almost prophetic quality today, potentially offering insight or guidance from an ancestor. This is an excellent time to honor those who came before you through a ...
News18 sources disclose that Das had a rate chart and he charged between Rs 15,000 and Rs 20,000 for an Aadhaar card, Rs 12,000 for a birth certificate, and Rs 3,000 to Rs 5,000 for a PAN card ...