Indian benchmark indices opened higher on Friday, extending gains to day three this week, as Nifty Bank, auto, FMCG and IT sectors led the morning trade. In early trade, Nifty rose 0.31 per cent to 23 ...
NUEKPE The Commercial Division of the High Court in Accra has granted an interim injunction in favor of ATC Tower (Ghana) Limited, restraining Airtel Ghana Limited from transferring or disposing of ...
Telecom operators including Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel have introduced new voice and SMS only plans for prepaid users in India. The move assumes significance as telecom regulator TRAI, last month, ...
Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel have introduced new voice and SMS only prepaid plans for customers in India. These plans offer unlimited voice calls and SMS, with varying validity periods.