今年是红军长征出发90周年。90年前,红军将士们从江西于都出发,踏上了艰苦卓绝的长征路。他们血战湘江、四渡赤水、巧渡金沙江、飞夺泸定桥……在红一方面军二万五千里的征途上,平均每300米就有一名红军牺牲。长征这条红飘带,是无数红军的鲜血染成的。 “长征艰苦卓绝,那几乎是在绝境中绝处逢生,靠的就是革命理想高于天!” 8年前的今天,在纪念红军长征胜利80周年大会上,习近平总书记深刻阐述了伟大的长征精神: ...
External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri Monday hinted at a complete resolution of the 2020 ...
“泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深。”2022年6月,习近平主席在金砖国家工商论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲中提到这句古语。也是在这一年,金砖五国领导人同意,在更多层级、更广领域、更大范围开展“金砖+”合作,积极推进金砖扩员进程。 2023年南非约翰内斯堡金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤上,沙特、埃及、阿联酋、伊朗、埃塞俄比亚等获邀加入金砖大家庭。 习近平主席出席金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤特别 ...
Following a pair of Grand Slam final heartaches, Emerson Jones lived up to her top seeding for her biggest career ...
The Chengdu J-20, referred to by the Chinese as the Mighty Dragon and by NATO as the Fagin, is a fifth-generation twin-jet ...
This is the amusing moment passengers made a rowing boat on an airport travellator. Footage shows five excited travellers sitting in a line on the walkway, imitating rowers by moving their hands as if ...
EarlyGame on MSN17 小时
CS2: ESL announces 2025 Pro Tour
As expected, IEM Katowice and IEM Cologne, two of ESL's most iconic events, will return in 2025. These are the only ...
Australia’s Emerson Jones and Mees Rottgering of Netherlands were the toast of Chengdu after lifting silverware at the 2024 ITF World Tennis Tour Junior Finals ...
On Oct 20, China's self-developed world's largest diameter high-speed railway shield machine, called Linghang, excavated its ...
China first provincial germplasm resource bank located in Chengdu capital of southwest China Sichuan Province is now fully operational according t ...