Jeran Campanella, a former Flat Earth theorist, altered his beliefs after an expensive expedition to Antarctica. His experience with the Midnight Sun phenomenon directly challenged his flat Earth ...
NEW: Flat Earther travels all the way to Antarctica to prove that the Earth is flat only to find out that it's not. Lmao. Flat Earth YouTuber Jeran Campanella went on a $35,000 trip to prove that ...
"Culture Quest explores the world of pop culture, history and thought-provoking ideas! We dive deep into the stories, concepts, and discoveries that shape our world. Follow us for engaging content ...
In a project dubbed The Final Experiment, a group of Flat Earth proponents traveled to Antarctica at the height of summer in the southern hemisphere, expecting to witness the sun go down.
YouTuber Jeran Campanella, known for promoting Flat Earth theories, spent Rs 31.4 lakh on an expedition to Antarctica to prove his beliefs. However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he ...