众所周知,苹果对无边框iPhone的执念一直都非常强。 早在多年以前,前苹果设计总监乔尼·艾维与乔布斯一起提出了“无缝连接”的设计理念,称iPhone设计的终极目标是“一块玻璃”,即一款没有任何边框的设备。 这想法在当时来看可是非常先进,而苹果也一直按这个方向来,比如2017年推出的iPhone X就可以看作是一次大胆的尝试。
With the holidays approaching snow has covered the ground, Mariah Carey defrosted from her ice block, and Winterfest has returned to provide all Fortnite ...
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近期,有关苹果iPhone折叠屏手机的消息引起了广泛关注。据一位知名数码博主透露,苹果在今年下半年已经悄然启动了iPhone折叠屏的测试生产线,并尝试将触控传感器技术融入其中。然而,目前这款设备在多个方面,包括厚度、重量以及能效上,还未达到苹果一贯的 ...
近期,关于苹果下一代旗舰产品iPhone 17系列的传闻愈演愈烈,多方消息源均指向了一个令人瞩目的事实:自iPhone 11系列以来,背部设计将迎来一次重大的革新。 一张据称是基于可靠爆料的iPhone 17 Pro Max渲染图在网络上引起了热议。图中,这款手机采用了前所未有的横向三摄布局,三枚摄像头紧密排列于手机顶部区域,这一设计不禁让人联想到曾经的魅族17。更令人惊讶的是,iPhone 17 ...
Here’s how it works. Apple's iPhone lineup is set at least until the spring of next year, so it's the perfect time to pick up the best iPhone out there. Buy an iPhone now and you can be ...
We are still expecting the all-new and smarter Siri next year. It should arrive as part of the iOS 18.3 update. Get the iPhone 16 at Amazon with Boost Mobile Get the iPhone 16 to experience Apple ...
A top Apple exec says the 2025 iPhone launch will be its 'most ambitious' to date. With 15+ years of covering the iPhone under our belts, here's what seems most likely for the iPhone 17.
The Boston Red Sox clearly weren't the only team interested ... Pivetta is a solid player to watch for. He made just $7.5 million in 2024 with Boston but turned down the qualifying offer worth ...
Apple's latest iPhone 16 Pro Max doesn't score that many upgrades in comparison with the iPhone 15 Pro Max, but all the new features are just enough to have it easily crowned as the most advanced ...
IT之家12 月 12 日消息,苹果旗下音频品牌 Beats 继九月首次推出 iPhone保护壳后,本周再次发布新款 iPhone 16系列保护壳。 首批 Beats 保护壳为 iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus、iPhone 16 Pro和 iPhone 16 Pro Max提供四种颜色选择:午夜黑、峰岩、波涛蓝、日落紫。 之前的版本 IT之 ...
With recent iPhone software updates, like iOS 17.7.2 and iOS 18.2, the signs that your number has been blocked continue ... To resend an undelivered text, tap the red exclamation mark icon next to the ...