在游戏行业的未来不断变化的背景下,最近的消息传出,JarofSparks工作室的首款游戏开发已因资金问题暂停。这家由前Xbox高级开发者Jerry ...
Jar of Sparks, headed by Halo and Destiny 2 veteran Jerry Hook, was founded in 2022.
Former Halo Infinite head of design Jerry Hook announces NetEase's new developer Jar of Sparks has paused work on its current ...
Jar of Sparks, the Seattle-based "AAA" studio established by Halo Infinite head of design Jerry Hook back in 2022, has ...
近日前Xbox元老,《光环:无限》设计主管Jerry Hook发文宣称,在2022年与网易联手创立的Jar of Sparks工作室首款游戏已暂停开发,因为团队需要寻找新的出版合作伙伴。该工作室目前正面临裁员,大多数员工或将在近期离职。
Seattle-based studio Jar of Sparks has stopped development on its first project as it looks for a new publisher.
NetEase-backed Jar of Sparks, which is spearheaded by Microsoft, Halo, and Destiny veteran Jerry Hook, is yet to reveal its debut project.
Jerry Hook在领英上发布的信息,就像平静湖面扔下的一块大石头。他告诉团队,Jar of 将会暂停目前的出版活动。这则消息一开始对工作室里的成员产生了深远的影响,他们之前正朝着既定的目标不懈努力,现在却不得不暂时停下脚步。位于西雅图的Jar ...
Jar of Sparks founder and CEO Jerry Hook via LinkedIn announced the studio has halted production on its first game as it looks for a new publisher.
The first-party development studio Jar of Sparks has ceased developing its debut title as the team seeks a new publisher to ...
去年,网易已经关闭了《圣剑传说:Visions of Mana》的开发商樱花工作室,旗下由《质量效应》系列编剧Mac Walters领导的Worlds Untold工作室也同Jar of Sparks一样宣布停止运营。