India has mourned one of its longest-serving prime ministers, Manmohan Singh, with a state funeral in Delhi. Singh led the country from 2004 to 2014 and was considered the architect of India's ...
Former prime minister Manmohan Singh had brought out the mainstream politician spirit in him during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections when he slammed his successor, Narendra Modi, for giving “hateful ...
saying “The art of taking bath while wearing a raincoat in the bathroom can be learnt from Dr Manmohan Singh”. In December 2017, Modi, delivering a speech during the Gujarat assembly polls ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a heartfelt tribute to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in a speech on Friday. He recalled how Singh rose above his struggles and achieved success in his life.
Amid the Congress’s demand for a designated site to set up a memorial for late former prime minister Manmohan Singh, the Narendra Modi government on Tuesday decided to build a memorial for former ...