These awards represent the consensus of the Siliconera staff. Multiplatform games are considered on the platform for which ...
After another great year of PC game releases, we can proudly announce which of our nominees, from sims like Satisfactory to ...
Try a single issue or save on a subscription Issues delivered straight to your door or device The Veilguard is embattled, a ...
Xbox Game Pass, with plenty of great indie games and highly-anticipated AAA titles hitting the service on day one.
Welcome to PC Gamer's annual Game of the Year awards. It's been an interesting year for PC gaming—a handful of major releases ...
总结来说,如果PC Game Pass正式登陆Steam,不仅会是游戏玩家的一次重大利好,亦将可能重新定义玩家与平台之间的关系,打造一个全新的游戏生态。这一切还需等待官方的确认,而广大游戏爱好者则可以热切期待未来的新变化。最终,无论结果如何,Game Pass与Steam的合作都将开启一个新的游戏时代,值得每一个游戏爱好者为之欢呼。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
Ark: Survival Evolved has made the leap from PC to mobile, with the release of Ark: Ultimate Mobile Edition. But instead of ...
From narrative-driven indies to the biggest triple-A blockbusters, here are the top ten PC games of 2024 according to the ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@深情何同学于12月23日发布,转载请标明出处!】 微软 PC Game Pass 或登 Steam,合作前景引期待 爆料者 extas1s 透露微软的 PC Game Pass 有登陆 Steam 平台的迹象,且官方可能在明年 1 ...
Since its launch in 2019, League of Legends spinoff Teamfight Tactics has quickly risen to become one of the most popular ...
Despite reviewing well, The Lost Crown reportedly underperformed in the sales department (which is probably why it’s been on ...
If you’re a PC gamer, Game Pass is offering an unmissable opportunity to play its library of games for a single dollar for an entire two weeks. PC Game Pass is already a good deal, with hundreds of ...