Our service is unique and designed to protect your identity. In all the years that we have been running, no one has ever been identified after giving information. It is vital that we guarantee your ...
There is no place for hate crime. You can be the change. We encourage people to find out more about the different types of hate crime and to learn the signs to spot, so that if you do see something, ...
County Lines is a form of criminal exploitation. County Lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas ...
On World Slavery Day (18 October), Crimestoppers is launching an awareness raising campaign to highlight potential ...
A gas meter should be flush against a hard surface with the on/off handle on the left-hand side. There should be a gas pipe coming from outside into the gas meter and one pipe going into the property ...
Through volunteering, you will help to give a voice to people who don’t feel able to speak up and those who are vulnerable. Our volunteers are active across all communities, using their personal ...
The theft of fuel - petrol, diesel and heating oil being stolen from vehicles and fuel tanks - causes harm and can have very serious consequences. Fuel theft can be a daily issue in some areas - for ...
We heard that a man, on the way to a social gathering, was carrying a gun and intended to use it. The police were able to stop him en route. He was charged with possession of the gun, and two further ...
Identifying, investigating and addressing crime and wrongdoing. Crimestoppers is committed to keeping communities safe from crime. In addition to our charity’s core public-facing service, we work with ...
Thank you for deciding to tell us about a crime. We know it can be a really difficult decision to speak out so it’s great that you’ve taken the first step. Crimestoppers takes information about crime ...