Hi! I am working with INA333 to amplify a wheatstone bridge output voltage. Here is the circuit in KiCAD: I am testing the circuit with the INA output connected to a stm32f405-microcontroller ADC pin.
I have made a custom PCB using MSP430-FR6047 to measure flow. I wanted to know if it was possible to initialise flow parameters (Parameters under configuration tab in USS Design center) directly ...
I'm developing support for custom flash device "MX25L12833FM2I-10G". I'm having troubles using the flash in 1S-1S-4S. I managed to configure correctly the flash in the 1S-1S-4S protocol. After ...
Please try the steps below to debug this exception . 1. Keep break point in the Master's ISR 2. Note down the R14 Register 3. Search for the R14 register address in the Map file. Here, the address ...
I am using CCS version 11 and I would like to use SVN. I tried installing Subversive 4.0.5 from the Eclipse Marketplace, but the SVN Connector did not install ...
Even though I enabled this configuration in Theia,I am not able to observe the energy trace in debug mode It appears that the configurations is showing as disabled. Could you please help me with this ...
We use the MMWCAS-DSP-EVM with the MMWCAS-RF-EVM (AWR1243 cascaded 4-chip radar module). Using MATLAB software, we plot range-Doppler maps by processing the captured data stored in bin files (outputs ...
Regarding UC3854 and UCD3138 used in the PMP20873 development board, we noticed that they both have three inputs: input voltage, input current, and output voltage. So what are the advantages and ...
I am looking to flash the program into the Flash memory of our controller using the CAN protocol. Could you kindly suggest the best approach or tools for achieving ...
Is there a way to check if the device is normal via the I2C interface? If so, please let me know. You can write to the output registers and read back the data to make sure I2C is functioning, but ...
Thank you in advance for any help that you can provide. I am running an app on the MSP-EXP430G2 Launchpad Development Kit with an older circuitco educational boosterpack. The app determines the speed ...
I followed the porting guide from mmWaveLink docs and managed to run mmWaveDFP on my FPGA. I am running mmWaveLink_SingleChip_NonOS_Example and using SPI communication. MMWL_powerOnMaster and ...