RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) -The Stevens wrestlers are putting together a strong season. The Raiders head north for the Rumble on the Red tournament in Fargo on Thursday and Friday.
“My New Year’s resolution revolves around kindness, grace and mercy. Kindness is the greatest gift you can give. It’s the greatest gift you receive,” Mississippi school teacher Ramona Kinney said.
Rapid City organizations dedicated to providing services to people experiencing housing or food insecurity or health issues may be getting a boost from the city.
Ethan DuBray, 19, allegedly slimed inmates and threatened an officer while in Pennington County Jail on robbery charges. Toka Lookstwice, 39, could face life in prison if convicted of first-degree ...
“We were able to identify a vehicle of interest, locate that vehicle and then we executed a search warrant on a residence and the vehicle late last night,” Scott Sitts, the assistant chief for the ...