The third installment to Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog movie franchise is a tasteful adaptation of the video game Sonic Adventure 2 that caters to new fans of the series while paying tribute to the game’s ...
This is the 85th article in Bears Doing Big Things, a weekly column celebrating the stories of notable M-A alumni. At just 34 years old, Jamila Reinhardt ‘07 is a firefighter for the San Francisco ...
O2 Valley is an up-and-coming bento box and Taiwanese snack restaurant on University Ave. in downtown Palo Alto. Despite being surprisingly empty for lunchtime on the weekend, O2 Valley holds a ...
We’re all getting older—including our favorite artists. Ariana Grande is seeing love from a wiser perspective, and Zach Bryan is reconciling with the effects of his tough childhood. Tyler, the Creator ...
Read about the eight seniors’ first-quarter responses here. We’ve all heard the saying, “show me your five closest friends and I’ll show you your future,” and if it’s true for our seniors they’re ...
As the holidays roll in, coffee shops are offering festive drinks. From refreshing cold brews to cozy lattes, trying the most popular seasonal beverages from local cafes is a must. Here’s how they ...
Four M-A students and I spent a week of school tucked away in the Santa Cruz mountains as cabin leaders for the San Mateo Outdoor Education program. While guiding fifth graders, we sang songs, went on ...
Each year, new students join and leave the M-A community, coming from schools all around the world. While most transfer students have unique reasons for why they made the switch, nearly every student ...
With flu and other respiratory virus cases on the rise in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, students should consider masking up at school this holiday season. Both counties instituted mask mandates ...
Jam-packed with exams, finals week can be a time of overwhelming stress. Taking care of yourself should always be a priority, even when cramming for a test. Bears shared how they feel going into ...
Schoolwide tardies have increased 22% since 2022. School policy enforces no definitive consequences for tardies, leaving it up to teachers to execute disciplinary action and incentivize students to ...
In the past couple of years, pajama pants have gone from occasional spirit day attire to everyday school outfits. With this rise in popularity, a debate has arisen: are PJ-wearers smart for choosing ...