The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) calls upon all political parties and elected officials to set ...
Here are social media images for communicating the results of NUPGE’s Healthcare Survey. A set will be released every work day for the next few weeks. Each .ZIP file will have a small collection of ...
Read the detailed report Read the news release This report is based on responses from 6,416 NUPGE members, gathered ...
One set of social media files will release each work day for X weeks. The most recent set will appear on top. There are images for Facebook and LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter/X, and general ones. Only ...
Le Syndicat national des employées et employés du secteur public et employés généraux (SNESPG) publie les résultats d’un nouveau sondage révélant que la pression exercée sur les professionnels de la ...