La Escuela del Ministerio Público, UNODC y USAID fortalecen la justicia ambiental y la capacitación de fiscales en el Perú ...
The project AURUM - Preventing Illegal Gold Mining in the Amazon aims to strengthen institutional responses and capacities for preventing illegal mining and mercury trafficking, considering the ...
O AURUM - Prevenção da Mineração Ilegal do Ouro na Amazônia busca fortalecer as respostas e as capacidades das instituições para a prevenção da mineração ilegal e do tráfico de mercúrio, considerando ...
However, corruption seriously impedes these efforts. It negatively affects the attraction and retention of foreign investments, fair competition and investment quality, resulting in long-lasting ...
La reinserción social es un pilar del trabajo de UNODC en reforma penitenciaria. Brindar oportunidades de capacitación y ...
UNODC is committed to supporting countries in their journey to sign, ratify, and implement this important new convention. In February, UNODC and FATF will join global leaders at the No Money for ...
Being a human trafficking and migrant smuggling prosecutor is not an easy job. It is a responsibility to seek justice for ...
In Mexico City, prisoners shower, each one using around nine litres of water in just one minute. Toilets flush, with each ...
GLOZ83 - Programa Global para a Desarticulação de Redes Criminosas “CRIMJUST” Esta vaga é para atuação junto a um projeto do UNODC. Assim sendo, a emissão contratual ocorrerá somente após o ...
Legislation title: The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2014 and the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2014 ...
At the global level, NPS with opioid effect including fentanyl analogues accounted for only 2% of the total NPS reported the ...
Anti-corruption efforts and human rights are inherently interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Countering corruption fosters an environment conducive to the respect, protection and promotion of ...