Directed by Matt Reeves, The Batman came out in 2022, yet another successful movie about the Caped Crusader. The HBO spinoff series The Penguin, which came out ...
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movies are some of the most revered films ever made. Even now, over two decades after release, they remain culturally rele ...
James Gunn and Peter Safran are currently building out a new DC Cinematic Universe, which will kick off in earnest with a new Superman movie, directed by Gunn, ...
Watch the new trailer for the next animated spinoff in Netflix's Witcher universe: The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep. Netflix's Witcher franchise is ever-expanding, and next month we'll be returning to ...
At one point, the director of Se7en and Fight Club was courted to direct Harry Potter movies, but his dark vision didn't five with what the studio wanted.
In July of 2024, start-up news outlet Tortoise Media published a series of podcasts which shocked the genre fiction world. Title "Master: the allegations agains ...
The Flash came out in 2023, one of the final films in what was then the DC Cinematic Universe before executives at Warner Bros. Discovery decided to scrap the w ...
Tabletop Roleplaying? You Mean D&D? When most of us think of tabletop roleplaying games, we conjure up images of Dungeons & Dragons groups, painted minifigures ...