The Notable Children's Videos committee was established in 1964 and the Carnegie Medal committee was established in 1990, both at the request of the ALSC Board of Directors. The two committees were ...
The presentation is focused on the responsibilities of Trustees in ensuring that their libraries are truly welcoming to all of their communities - now and into the future.
ALA, its Divisions, Round Tables and Affiliates host many conferences, and in-person and online events to showcase cutting-edge developments in library advocacy, information literacy, and many other ...
The American Library Association (ALA) has provided $1.25 million in emergency relief grants to 34 libraries that have experienced substantial economic hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The committee shall be responsible for soliciting articles, and preparing and distributing the Round Table's newsletter. The committee shall consist of the Editor, who shall serve as the chairperson, ...
What do we mean by diversity? After compiling the list of the 2015 Top Ten Challenged Books, the staff at the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) noticed that once again, a high percentage of the ...