The world changed in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in 2001 and for historians, the attacks marked the turn of the century. But since then and until now, many are the milestones that have ...
The concept of the churrascaria, meaning a place where meat is cooked in the barbeque style, originated in Southern Brazil where gauchos (cowboys in Portuguese) would consume a diet that consisted ...
The United States Senate reached a deal on Tuesday, Dec. 20, to increase Medicaid funding in Puerto Rico to keep federal dollars steady over the next five years as part of the congressional omnibus ...
El huracán Ian tocó tierra en Florida la semana pasada y ha dejado más de 100 muertos, con un número de víctimas que no deja de aumentar. También ha dejado a miles de personas desplazadas y a cientos ...
En su edición número 32, la ONG Human Rights Watch presentó su informe anual sobre el escenario problemático para los derechos humanos alrededor del mundo. Dentro de este reporte de 700 páginas, que ...
While in the first decade of the 21st century poverty in the region decreased, situations such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have again generated a sharp increase in the levels of poverty and ...
Through the social network TikTok, influencer and activist Carlos Eduardo Espina has called for the campaign "a day without immigrants" in the country, in which he asks these people not to attend ...
La orden del juez federal de Texas que bloquea la posibilidad de que nuevos solicitantes accedan al DACA es solo la última de una serie de acciones alrededor de uno de los programas de inmigración más ...
Time is getting scarce for Democrats in the House who hope to put forth a solution for immigration on the table before the end of this year and a new Congress with one Republican wing. Senate Majority ...
Thanks to the years-long efforts of grassroots Latino organizations, early voting has shattered records ahead of the Jan. 5, Georgia Senate runoff. These votes could prove to be a determining factor ...
En octubre de 1938, el mítico director de cine Orson Welles aterrorizó a U.S. desde el Teatro Mercury con una muy aparente adaptación radiofónica de la novela de H.G. Wells La Guerra de los Mundos, ...
"Damaris" of the lush black hair and inquisitive dark eyes is a single mom and for the past four years has been a sex worker in Mexico City, fighting day by day against discrimination and police ...