In a saucepan gently melt the chocolate, coffee and margarine with 60ml water on a low heat. Stir to avoid sticking and then leave to one side to cool slightly. Pop the flour, almonds, cocoa, baking ...
We share this poem, with our dedicated supporters, to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the protection of animals in danger, like foxes, this festive season. Together we can create a kinder world ...
Over the last year, supporters have been telling us where hunts have been meeting. We've contacted 36 pubs and 19 breweries so far calling on them to ban hunts from meeting or hunting on their land.
Our supporter-funded Animal Crimewatch service is a confidential and professional place to report cruelty to animals in the name of sport. Your voice will always be heard and appreciated. Highly ...
Badgers are being killed by the UK government in what is known as the ‘badger cull’, which has taken place in certain parts of England since 2013. Thousands of badgers have been killed in what we, ...
Discover our achievements over the last 100 years and how together we can continue to create a kinder world for animals. A charity built on a mission to end cruel sports. Watch how the value of ...
You'll find all of the ways that you can get involved in our campaigns below. Help to change the face of animal welfare from the comfort of your home and with a click of a button. The time for change ...
If there's a business that you think would benefit from joining the Business Without Blood Sports pledge, you can nominate them via the form below. We will get in touch to see if they would like to ...
As polling continues to show, Britain is a nation of animal lovers. In YouGov polling carried out in August 2022, more than a quarter of British people who responded listed the environment as one of ...
The Business Without Blood Sports pledge is a guarantee from businesses to their customers that they in no way support, promote or otherwise enable blood sports such as hunting, shooting, or animal ...