The Hong Kong Marathon took place this morning, with approximately 74,000 runners registered for the event. During the event, over 900 runners experienced medical issues, including 8 who required hosp ...
旺角太子道西近通菜街一個巴士站旁, 下午1時許有樹枝斷裂跌下, 擊傷一名50多歲的女途人頭部, 救護員到場後把女傷者送院. 警方封鎖現場調查.
政府撥款5億港元予數碼港, 推出數碼轉型支援先導計劃 , 截至去年12月底已收到逾5,300宗中小企申請. 數碼港首席公眾使命官陳思源表示, 每家獲批資助的中小企, 最多可獲五萬元或獲資助項目總開支的50%, 審批一般可於收到完整資料後兩個月內完成.推行計劃目的是協助中小企加快數碼轉型步伐, 希望它們盡快利用科技, 提升競爭力和客戶體驗, 並拓展客源,增加生意. 由於餐飲及零售業順利開展計劃, 並 ...
China's top economic planning agency said on Sunday it was taking steps to scale back subsidies for renewable energy projects after a boom in solar and wind power installations. China broke its own re ...
Cathay Pacific Airways has been recognized as the fourth-best airline globally by AirlineRatings. Korean Air ranked first, followed by Qatar Airways and Air New Zealand in second and third place, and ...
四川省宜賓市筠連縣發生的山泥傾瀉有11戶房屋被掩埋, 至今造成1人死亡, 28人失聯. 事發在昨日接近中午12點, 當局研判, 今次災害因近期持續降雨及地質條件影響, 造成高位山泥轉化為長約1.2公里的泥石流, 厚約10至20米、寬約100米. 目前, 山泥傾瀉仍在持續. 四川當局組織軍隊武警、 消防救援、公安、交通、醫療等9百多人, 協助救援. 共轉移受威脅群眾200餘人. 由於災區連續降溫降雨 ...
U.S. President Donald Trump has revoked former Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other Democrats' security clearances, multiple U.S. media reported on Saturday. The New York Post, a pro-Trump righ ...
Security forces gunned down 12 armed rebels, called "Naxals" locally, in India's central state of Chhattisgarh, confirmed a local cop on Sunday. Besides, four security personnel were also injured in t ...
天文台表示, 一道雲帶昨晚逐漸覆蓋廣東沿岸地區, 形容是為大地「冚被」, 令本港今早的降溫幅度沒有那麼大. 天文台在網誌指, 雲帶阻擋及吸收部份地面向高空傳遞的熱能, 再重新釋放至地面, 阻礙大地散熱, 令晚間的輻射冷卻效果較弱, 直至接近日出時分雲層開始轉薄, 降溫速度才加快. 天文台預料, 隨著季候風在本周初, 逐漸被一股清勁至強風程度的偏東氣流取代, 本周中期廣東沿岸氣溫會逐漸回升, 雲量增 ...