A Place to learn about Gandhi, his life, work & philosophy. This comprehensive site is regularly updated & maintained by non-profit Gandhian Organizations in India & has a wealth of information & ...
(Arya Bhushan Bhardwaj's article discusses the Advantages & Disadvantages of the capitalist & communist political systems, the formation of the World Trade Organization & lists suggestions for peace & ...
- To serve the motherland without hating anybody in the world. - To develop spiritually without hurting anybody in the society. - To believe in the purity of ends and means - To act as a trustee of ...
Mahatma Gandhi had multifaceted personality. His aim in the life was to achieve enlightenment by serving his nation and man kind. He was born in India and so he was of the opinion that it was his ...
From my sixth or seventh year up to my sixteenth I was at school, being taught all sorts of things except religion. I may say that I failed to get from the teachers what they could have given me ...
Looking at the future of nonviolent action at the turn of the present century, described as the bloodiest one in history, may rightfully generate feelings of pessimism. Yet this otherwise the ...
IF ONE does not practice nonviolence in one's personal relations with others, and hopes to use it in bigger affairs, one is vastly mistaken. Non-violence like charity must begin at home. But if it is ...