The blue MSC label is applied to wild fish and seafood from fisheries that have been certified to the MSC Fisheries Standard, a set of requirements for sustainable fishing.
Rinse the rice four times using cold running water. Drain the rice, then set aside for 20 minutes. Meanwhile fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan over medium heat until golden. Remove the seeds ...
Prepare the vegetables: Slice the cucumber thinly, rub with two pinches of salt, and squeeze out the water. Boil the string beans for two minutes, then cut them into 2cm lengths. Prepare the eggs: ...
にんにくと大葉をみじん切りにし、ヨーグルトと混ぜ、塩を振る。 MSC認証マダラが冷凍の場合は解凍し、180度に設定したノンフライヤー(もしくは軽く油をひいたフライパン)で、8分加熱する。大麦を柔らかくなるまで塩水で茹で、水を切っておく。
MSC(Marine Stewardship Council, 해양관리협의회)는 부산의 원양수산물 어획 및 수출 전문기업인 대해수산(대표 왕돈명)의 다랑어 연승어업이 MSC 인증을 취득했다고 발표했다. 지난 9일, MSC는 대해수산의 인증 취득을 기념하기 위해 로이드인증원(LRQA), 해양수산부, 한국 ...
Czy jesteśmy gotowi, by działać dla dobra naszej planety i przyszłych pokoleń? To pytanie, na które musimy sobie odpowiedzieć, wybierając rybę na Święta. Jeśli chcemy cieszyć się pysznymi rybnymi ...
Every small choice we make as individuals has a big impact. Choosing sustainable blue foods supports not only a healthy planet but also the livelihoods of the people responsible for taking care of ...
Visste du att du kan göra skillnad för våra hav genom att välja rätt sill? Då är du med och bidrar till att våra framtida generationer också får duka fram samma goda mat som vi har möjlighet att göra.
Blend all ingredients together, except for the oysters, to create a flavored butter. Top each oyster with the butter. Grill oyster (over open fire, on a gas burner, or any outdoor grill) for 15 ...